Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Realists Philosophy

I would rather agree to disagree with the whole realists philosophy about fate. In a way I do believe that "fate" is real, that where you are at one very moment in time could change your future. On the otherhand though, I think that no matter what we have choices to make to where we want to go in life. One day we may wake up and decide that we want to try something new, but then we soon decide that that day is not the time that we want to start a new task. I think with each choice we make in life it slowly changes us to who we are. The quote "everything happens for a reason" makes me ponder each time I here it. I don't really know if everything does entirely happen for a reason? Altogether I'm going to have to say for my own doubtful reasons that I'm not sure what to believe. Although you may be somewhere one day in life that could change tomorrow, you could have also made another choice to be somewhere else so what is called "fate" actually resembles a decision in the making.