Thursday, October 16, 2008

Ezekiel Cheever is a good representation of the average American.

Cheever proves to be a major character throughout most of Act II. He is symbolic to all of us as Americans for the simple fact that he bases everything that he believes solely on what he sees. When Elizabeth was faced with accusations about maintaining witchcraft items in her household although she said that she did not have any Cheever seeked out to find something. Achieving his goal of finding evidence, a poppet, automatically assured factual proof that Elizabeth was most certainly an avid user of witchcraft. Cheever didn't ask questions to what the poppet was about, he was just as quick to accuse Elizabeth as being a witch as he was in the first place assuming her to be one. We as Americans on the otherhand believe mainly everything we see. For instance with global warming; just because there is a crack in a glacier does not essentially mean global warming is happening. Rather than question that we simply assume that the answer is what we see out in the open. We have no tactics to debate with things in life, what we see is what we believe, and what we believe is what we see, no questions asked. This is why Cheever achieves the representation of the average American today.

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